My Heart (and Stomach) Is Full

Thanksgiving is a beautiful holiday.  In our family, we wake up to a house that is already filled with life.  My mom has been cooking since 5:15 AM and the smells that radiate from the oven reflect that.  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year and let me tell you why.

We Have Time to Reflect

Thanksgiving Day always seems to slow life down for a bit.  I am not stressed about work.  My texts and calls are strictly to reach out to friends and family.  The essence of the holiday is about remembering all of the things we are thankful for.  When we put ourselves in a place where we are INTENTIONALLY grateful, we tend to bring up our mood.  On top of that, we know we have that Friday-Sunday buffer before it’s back to the real world.

We Go Out of Our Way

We are reminded on Thanksgiving that it is important to put others first.  I stopped by the gas station Thanksgiving morning, and I swear I saw four different people hold the door open for others.  It was incredible—In 2020!  That hardly ever happens outside of the holiday season.  We should make it our goal to treat every day, mentally, like we do Thanksgiving.  Go out of your way to hold the door or lend a helping hand wherever you can.

We Put Our Phones AWAY

I spend more time on my phone than I should.  I am constantly getting a buzz in my pocket that tells my brain that the little screen is more important.  That buzzing along with my perceived short attention span makes me a joy to hold a conversation with sometimes (it’s something I’m working on).   One of the few days each year I don’t get that feeling—you guessed it, Thanksgiving.  The phones are gone, the chins are up, and the brains are attentive.  This is how life is meant to be lived.

We Spend Time with Family

This is something that I am extremely grateful for.  I know that is a privilege to be able to spend Thanksgiving with my parents, wife, and brother.  Many people, especially this year, do not have that opportunity.  My brother was supposed to be in Utah to finish his last day of work the day after Thanksgiving.  Instead, his boss gave him the day off so he could surprise us and make it home in time for the holiday.  This kind of grace is incredible.  That man brought joy to our family and it was over just one act of kindness.  Cherish this time with your families.  If not, cherish this time with friends.  Share love and enjoy the company of PEOPLE.   

I love the holiday season for all the reasons listed above and many more.  I challenge you to be one of the people that does all these things throughout the year!  You will make the world a better place and truly live a full life.  While I am extremely grateful for that delicious turkey, there is so much more this holiday is about.

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Austin Byler

Founder & CEO

Taking what he learned from his time in professional baseball, Austin is focused on helping the next generation of athletes by teaching them positivity, gratitude, and perspective.  The game ends someday for everyone, but we all have a story that goes well beyond that.

Austin Byler

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