Character Development Series: Finding Your “Why”

All of us are constantly trying to find our purpose. We all want to find our “why”. We can get overwhelmed with what life throws at us every day and often find ourselves feeling trapped or lacking energy. The power of your purpose or your “why” can help untap a reserve of energy, determination, and courage you most likely didn’t know you had deep down inside you. Whether you are training to reach your goals in athletics or trying to find daily motivation in your job, your purpose can remind you why. 

In a previous blog post, we discussed how important it is to reflect on what gives you purpose in the journey to finding your true identity. Knowing what gets you up in the morning, ready to crush the day, is key to finding joy in your daily activities. Losing our sense of purpose can also lead to a lack of identity. So what are five steps we can take to find our “why?”

  1. Develop a growth mindset: Listening and learning are the keys to life. They help you learn and grow to become a better version of yourself every day. We are all human, and we are all imperfect in some way. We will all face failure and adversity; how we grow and learn from it will always be crucial. Having that growth mindset will allow you to embrace feedback (positive and negative), allow you to take on new challenges, and power through moments of failure.
  2. Define your values: What is important to you not only helps you find your identity but also helps you find your purpose. Knowing your belief system can help you recognize what matters most to you so you can focus on what you want most in life, which gives you fulfillment. 
  3. Practice gratitude: You have probably seen this mentioned in almost every blog. Gratitude helps you be grateful for the fantastic things you have in your life. It can help bring you a sense of joy and overall fulfillment in life. Practicing gratitude can strengthen your sense of purpose. 
  4. Don’t be afraid to explore new things: The saying goes, “you don’t know what you like if you don’t try it.” Don’t be scared to explore and find new passions. You may find a new fun hobby or even a side gig (like I did writing these blogs and podcasting about baseball) that you never knew you could end up loving. Exploring your current passions and interests and finding new ones can help broaden your horizons.
  5. Surround yourself with positivity: We are often creatures of our environment. Who and what we surround ourselves with often dictates the type of output we will have. Make sure you surround yourself with people who help pick you up. Who helps motivate you to find your purpose. Find a community where you can feel connected to others to help you gain a sense of purpose.

Always remember even if you follow these five steps, you will always be on a constant journey to find your purpose. We always find new things that drive us to be better people or bring out the best in us. Make sure to find your path, and don’t be afraid to veer off it. Take time also to inspire others along the way, and make sure to take care of yourself. As much as we all want to give back to others, we can only give our absolute best if we are at our best. Doing all this will help you feel a better sense of purpose daily. 

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Austin Byler

Founder & CEO

Taking what he learned from his time in professional baseball, Austin is focused on helping the next generation of athletes by teaching them positivity, gratitude, and perspective.  The game ends someday for everyone, but we all have a story that goes well beyond that.

Austin Byler

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