A List of Thanks for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is around the corner.  This is a time where we get to put everything on pause and place family first.  On top of that, we are hugely into expressing gratitude here at MLU.  So, for our blog this week, we just want to give thanks to some of the people in our lives that have really stood out over the last year.  Words will never do it justice, but know you mean the world to us.  

Thanks from Austin Byler:

Thank you to Aaron Nielsen for your consistent Mentorship & guidance throughout the years.

Thank you to all of our athletes who teach us more than they will ever know about consistency and life.

Thank you to Alexis George, my beautiful fiancé for all of her unconditional support and selflessness throughout our relationship.

Thank you to my parents, Patty and Barry Byler, for their incredible leadership from a young age and for preparing me for life during and after sports.

Thank you to Dean Whellams and his mentorship for inspiring us to get into team building and leadership development.

Thank you to Ray Mac and Jared Perkins for being 10/10 all stars and paving a path of positivity and joy for athletes and coaches across the world.

Thank you to Jay Johnson for encouraging and supporting me through the MLB draft experience, a and helping me see the value in college baseball.

Thank you to my grandparents for showing me the greatest example of how to do marriage and be faithful to one another.

Thank you to Jen Helmholz for her selflessness and unwavering support throughout the years and for being one of the greatest #BaseballMoms on the planet.

Thank you to Matt Palmer for saving my life in 2017 through Fellowship of Christian Athletes by encouraging me to pursue my faith and commit to something bigger than us.

Thanks from Jared Perkins:

            Thank you to all of our amazing podcast guests for sharing your stories and journeys. Each one of you has such a special story that can impact so many lives.

Thank you to all coaches out there trying to impact the lives of the next generation of athletes. Your work around the clock to help develop young athletes is invaluable.

Thank you to Jake Wiskerchen for your friendship and mentorship. You’ve helped mentor so many of us at MLU.

Thanks from Ray McIntire:

        Thank you to my beautiful wife, Eva, for your unwavering love and support.  You help me see the light on the dark days.

            Thank you to my parents, Dave and Kathy, for putting me in a position to succeed.  You have done that by allowing me to chase my dreams, instead of telling me what my dreams are.

            Thank you to my brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law, Joe and Tori, for including us in your big day.  It meant the world to Eva and I being there for the proposal in Yosemite.

            Thank you to the boys at UC Davis for welcoming me in.  You have made the fall enjoyable and showed me what it looks like to watch a team develop.

            Thank you to Coach Bloomfield for helping me all fall and teaching me how to be a better coach and husband.  You may be old school, but you care and that always shows.

            Thank you to the early supporters of Project Sandlot for believing in us.  Your backing has made me want to work harder and will be rewarded!

            Thank you to Gary Vaynerchuck for teaching me about perspective.  It’s not about the wins and losses, it’s about how you play the game.

            Thank you to the NFT community for being so welcoming.  It truly feels like a judgment-free zone where everyone wants to help each other.

            Thank you to the people at Great Meditation on YouTube.  You have helped me slow things down and find peace when it can be easy to let anxiety takeover. 

            Thank you to all of you, the supporters of Major League University.  You make what we do all worth it because you care!  Thank you for showing up.  We are truly blessed.

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Austin Byler

Founder & CEO

Taking what he learned from his time in professional baseball, Austin is focused on helping the next generation of athletes by teaching them positivity, gratitude, and perspective.  The game ends someday for everyone, but we all have a story that goes well beyond that.

Austin Byler

My Personal Favorites
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