Reframe Fear: 3 Steps to Mental Freedom

I don’t know about you, but I am afraid of a lot of things. Snakes, scorpions, heights, failure… the list goes on and on. 

But what about more important things in life, such as our goals, dreams, and aspirations? Science tells us that over 92% of people never achieve their goals because FEAR gets in the way. 

Naturally, my first question is why? Why do so many people give up on their dreams because of fear, and fear alone?

Think about our brains as an Apple computer. Yes, this may be a free advertisement for Apple, but you will understand in a second. Our brains are hardwired to think and feel a certain way, similar to an Apple computer. They have a hardwiring system that is programmed to operate in a specific way due to its mechanical engineering. 

Our brains have a similar hardwiring system. When humans first stepped foot on Earth, they had a list of things to fear: Sabretooth tigers, Dinosaurs, and venomous snakes. These are REAL fears that sparked terror within the human brain. 

So, what did our brains, the most adaptable organ in the human body, do? We began to adapt and mold to our current environment, meaning our brains started to protect us from these fearful situations. Our brain began to send our body action signals which are known today as our fight or flight system. This was meant to keep us safe from any danger that may occur around us! 

Here are three simple steps that we can take in order to help us overcome any fear or anxiety that will inevitably occur in our lives. 


The first step is to identify the signals. What are the signals that continuously spark fear? Raise our anxiety levels? Paralyze us from becoming the best version of ourselves? These signals can be as simple as negative self-talk and doubt, to experiencing failure and wanting to give up. My challenge for you is to begin to identify the signals that are getting in your way. Notice the things that derail you from your path and you will begin to build ultimate self-awareness! 

The next time you have a negative thought, begin to ask yourself, is this thought true? Most of the time the answer will be no. 


Once you have identified the thoughts that are holding you back, it is extremely important to replace that thought with something more powerful. Notice how I did not say positive… it is nearly impossible to “think positive” when you are 0-10, just failed a test, or lost your puppy. But it is possible to think more powerfully in these situations with neutral thinking. Try replacing the negative thought or self-doubt with something more neutral. 

Here is an example: 

Original thought: “I hope I don’t strike out.” 

Reframed thought: “COMPETE – 1 pitch at a time! I’ve got this!”


You will never achieve your dreams unless you take massive action. Yes, it may be scary. Yes, you might have some fear. Yes, the odds may be stacked against you. But guess what? If you can breathe, you have a chance. The quickest way to get through fear is to face it head on. Think about the bison… when a storm comes, they do not run away and retreat like most other animals in the animal kingdom. Bison run directly into the storm, facing whatever challenges that may occur head on because they know this is the quickest way to get through dark times. 

How are you going to face the adversity in your life today? Identify the signals that trip you up, replace the thought with powerful language, and continue to take action towards your dreams and goals! 

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Austin Byler

Founder & CEO

Taking what he learned from his time in professional baseball, Austin is focused on helping the next generation of athletes by teaching them positivity, gratitude, and perspective.  The game ends someday for everyone, but we all have a story that goes well beyond that.

Austin Byler

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