Turn Off Autopilot: Ways to Grow When You Feel Stuck

Fighter Plane

You have a clean slate every day you wake up. You have a chance every single morning to make that change and be the person you want to be. You just have to decide to do it. Decide today’s the day. Say it: this is going to be my day.

Brendon Burchard

            Humans love consistency and routines.  Get up, brush our teeth, take a shower, etc.  I, myself, am a huge proponent of routines, and believe they can really enhance our daily lives.  There are times, however, where we go about our lives on autopilot.  This is never a good feeling.  I want to help you avoid that!  This is why I am going to list out the three biggest keys to consistent growth!

Shake It Up

            One of the biggest things I see, when people have been working at their craft, job, or business for some time, is boredom seeps in.  Working out, for example, is a huge step for a lot of people in January.  When May rolls around, a lot of those people become disinterested and lose motivation.  This is why we need to keep ourselves on our toes…cross-train, if you will.  You can still get a workout from going out and playing an hour of pickup basketball.  You can improve your Spanish by watching television in Spanish.  Surprise yourself—no good story ever started with “I was doing the same thing I always do”.  After we mix up how we learn the fundamentals, we must broaden our skillsets.

Improve Your Skills

            I loved this tip, and I have taken it with me ever since I read it in Brendon Burchard’s book, High Performance Habits.  Take a look at where you want to go in life.  What are the skills that you will need to have to accel when you get there?  If I want to run a business, I will need to get better at marketing, public speaking, and financial management. Instead of getting caught up with the daily drudge of business all the time, take some time to focus on self-improvement in those areas!  LeBron James spends roughly a million dollars per year on his fitness, rehab, training, diet, etc.  You can spend a little money to better yourself too.  Then it’s time to put the new skills to the test and compete.


            As a former athlete and coach, this is by FAR my favorite one.  Competition is the fire of creation and the driver of growth.  If you want me to run fast, put me on the clock.  If you want me to fly, put me up against someone else with something on the line.  We must place ourselves in these situations in order to thrive.  

Think about it like this—there is a beautiful Ferrari that sits in the garage.  Year after year, unmoved, the car begins to collect dust.  The longer it stays parked, the less likely it is that car will be able to fire up again.  We don’t need to take the car out every single weekend, but for it to perform, it needs to race.  We need competition in our lives to continue to have that spark!

            I am not unlike you.  I have let my Ferrari sit in my garage before, collecting layer upon layer of dust.  But I have made the shift.  I have CHOSEN to take the path less traveled by continuing to shake up routines, improving skills, and competing!  Today is the day you can too.  

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Austin Byler

Founder & CEO

Taking what he learned from his time in professional baseball, Austin is focused on helping the next generation of athletes by teaching them positivity, gratitude, and perspective.  The game ends someday for everyone, but we all have a story that goes well beyond that.

Austin Byler

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