Championship Character

We know it when we see it.  Great character stands out like a beam of light in a dark room.  A person’s character is molded over time by millions of decisions that begin to shape who they are.  What are the traits that make up character?  We have found that there are six that really stand out.


People with great character are trustworthy—men of their word.  When they tell you, they are going to do something, they do it.  There is never a time when we have to second-guess what they say.  Trust is the base of all relationships in life and can be the foundation for every great team.  Over time, their reputation begins to precede them as someone you can count on!


Respect is a two-way street.  One must give respect in order to get it.  The thing is, people with good character are almost always respected.  They treat everyone the same, from the lowest on the totem pole to the top.  When confronted with disagreements, anger, or insults, people with good character handle it peacefully.  We have all heard it: live by the golden rule!


With great power comes great responsibility.  People with great character know this and are eager to take that on.  They say, “hop in my backpack, give me your struggles, we got this”.  These people practice self-control and are self-disciplined.  People do not need to get on them to do things correctly.  They know they are accountable for their decisions, so they can hold others accountable for theirs.


Life isn’t fair.  Bad things happen to good people.  Good things happen to bad people.  The one thing we can do is strive to treat everyone fairly.  As a coach, it can be easy to get on the guy that bothers you and take it easy on the guy you get along with.  That is not being fair.  People with good character are open-minded, listen to others, and never take advantage of people.  Win or lose, they do it by the rules.


This one seems the most obvious in my mind.  People with great character truly care about others.  They do this with their actions and consistency.  They express gratitude constantly, forgive others constantly, and help others when they need it.  Sometimes, in the dogfight of a season, we want to look out for our own interests.  Those times are the most important times to look out for others and show our love.  Our lives can really change for the better when we do this.


People with character make their teams, schools, and communities a better place.  They look out for their family as well as their neighbors.  They show respect and even add to the authority of teachers, coaches, and police officers.  When they see trash on the ground, they pick it up.  Many people with bad character say, “well that’s not my problem.”  People with good character see the big picture.  Even if we feel small, all of us can contribute to make the world a better place.

I am not saying it is easy to do all of these things all the time.  In fact, it can be difficult, for example, to be fair to everyone all the time.  If we make decisions that reflect these things in a positive light, over time we begin to show a rock-solid character that people can look up to!  So, what is good character?  Don’t tell me—SHOW me.

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Austin Byler

Founder & CEO

Taking what he learned from his time in professional baseball, Austin is focused on helping the next generation of athletes by teaching them positivity, gratitude, and perspective.  The game ends someday for everyone, but we all have a story that goes well beyond that.

Austin Byler

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